by Michael | Mar 8, 2013 | Accepted paper, Lab News, Uncategorized
Our first paper published by the lab in 2013! Kasumovic MM, Seebacher F. 2013 The active metabolic rate predicts a male spider’s proximity to females and expected fitness. Biol Lett 9: 2012.1164. Download the PDF here. Here’s a pop sci summary in The...
by Michael | Mar 8, 2013 | Lab News, Popular Science, Uncategorized
I was lucky enough to be profiled by COMOS magazine for their 50th issue! Thanks to the UNSW newsroom for pointing them in my direction. Hopefully I’ll end up on this part of the site...
by Michael | Feb 21, 2013 | Popular Science, Uncategorized
By Michael Kasumovic Whether it’s two lions fighting over a pride or two butterflies fighting over a sunny spot, decades of nature shows have led the average watcher to conclude that bigger, stronger males win competitions. But despite David Attenborough’s confident...
by Michael | Feb 8, 2013 | Popular Science, Uncategorized
By Michael Kasumovic The debate around videogames and violence is getting seriously out of control – not least in the US. Just take this recent homepage on The Huffington Post: Huffington Post Hyperbole aside, videogames are (once again) being used as a scapegoat by...
by Michael | Dec 12, 2012 | Lab News, Uncategorized
An excellent Chrissy party this year by the Faculty of Science at UNSW I was honoured this afternoon with the Faculty of Science Early Career Researcher of the Year! A great reason to skip out on half a days work and...
by Michael | Dec 10, 2012 | Lab News, Uncategorized
I was just given the honour of being named Academic Beard of the Month for December! This is obviously excellent news and it feels great given some of the other beards I’m placed in league with at Academic...