by Michael | Nov 22, 2013 | Lab News, Uncategorized
Congratulations to Sean Blamires for winning a DECRA in what was a very brutal round! We very lucky to have him coming to the lab to do some amazing work on the evolution of spider silk...
by Michael | Nov 22, 2013 | Accepted paper, Uncategorized
Through Alex Jordan‘s hard work we got our second manuscript accepted in American Naturalist! Alex did an amazing job on this manuscript. I won’t ruin the punchline, so I’ll put up a link as soon as it comes out. Reproductive foragers: spider males...
by Michael | Aug 7, 2013 | Popular Science, Uncategorized
By Michael Kasumovic Jumping spiders are unique in the spider world as they don’t build webs – they’re active visual predators who rarely use silk. In fact, the main use we thought jumping spiders had for silk was a safety line for when they miss their mark. But...
by Michael | Jun 4, 2013 | Popular Science, Uncategorized
By Michael Kasumovic Is racism a matter of perspective gone wrong? And, if so, how can we fix it? A new study in Consciousness and Cognition demonstrates technology may be able to offer part of the solution: donning the skin of a dark-skinned avatar significantly...
by Michael | May 16, 2013 | Accepted paper, Lab News, Uncategorized
Our first paper in American Naturalist was just accepted today – Exciting! Kasumovic, M.M. & Jordan, L. A. 2013. The social factors driving settlement and relocation decisions in a solitary and aggregative spider. This paper examined the factors – from...
by Michael | Mar 8, 2013 | Accepted paper, Lab News, Uncategorized
Our first review published for the year in Animal Behaviour! My paper is a pert of a special issue in Animal Behaviour on Behavioural Plasticity and Evolution. Kasumovic, M. M. 2013. The multidimensional consequences of the juvenile environment: towards an integrative...