by Michael | Jun 14, 2014 | Gaming, Lab News, Uncategorized
Want to know what the evolutionary drivers of the gender differences in game preferences and play? So do we! Please help us by completing our survey ( and passing on the...
by Michael | May 14, 2014 | Lab News, Uncategorized
UNSW just released the VC Fellowships for 2014. If you’re interested in joining the lab as a post-doc. Check this out and send me an...
by Michael | May 13, 2014 | Lab News, Popular Science, Uncategorized
By Michael Kasumovic Although videogames are seen by many as a waste of time, one thing they do undeniably well is teach. The problem is that educational games are about as much a game as low-fat ice cream is delicious. Both leave a bad taste in your mouth and are...
by Michael | Apr 11, 2014 | Lab News, Popular Science, Uncategorized
By Michael Kasumovic Males will mate with anything. Well, that is the general view, one that exists because of a simple biological underpinning: females are reproductively limited by costly gestation, while males are only limited by their number of partners. As a...
by Michael | Jan 14, 2014 | Accepted paper, Lab News, Uncategorized
A good start to the year as Simon Lailvaux, Robbie Wilson and I just had our first paper accepted in Evolution . Come back in a couple of weeks to find out about ageing and performance in male and female basketball...
by Michael | Jan 8, 2014 | Current Research [OLD], Lab News, Uncategorized
Organisms undergo a series of complex changes to mature. Things are made more complex by individuals having to account for the environment when making these developmental decisions. We currently know very little about the mechanisms behind these decisions, which...