
Articles published or accepted in refereed journals:

53. Blamires, S.J., M., Martens, P.J., Kasumovic, M.M. 2017. Fitness consequences of plasticity in an extended phenotype. J. Exp. Biol.

52. Kasumovic, M.M and Seebacher, F. 2017. Casual movement speed but not maximal locomotor capacity predicts mate searching success. J. Evol. Biol.

51. Kasumovic, M.M., Blake, K., and Denson, T.F. 2017. Using insights from humans to improve our understanding of contest theory and contest dynamics. Proceedings B: Biological Sciences (Invited Review)

50. Dixson, BJW, Sherlock, J.M., Cornwell, W.K. and Kasumovic, M.M. 2017. Contest competition and men’s facial hair: beards may not provide advantages in combat. Evolution and Human Behavior

49. Anderson, C.L., and Kasumovic, M.M. 2017. Development rate rather than social environment influences cognitive performance in Australian black field crickets, Teleogryllus commodus. PeerJ 5:e3563

48. Blamires, S.J.,  Hasemore, M., Martens, P.J., Kasumovic, M.M. 2017. Diet-induced co-variation between architectural and physicochemical plasticity in an extended phenotype. Journal of Experimental Biology 220(5):876-884

47. Blamires, S.J., Kasumovic, M.M., Tso, I.M., Martens, P. J., Hook, J.M., Rawal, A. 2016. Evidence of Decoupling Protein Structure from Spidroin Expression in Spider Dragline Silks. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 17: 1294.

46. Wilkowski, B., DeWall, N., Friese, M., Hofmann, W., Ferguson, E., Capper, M., Yu, L. Kasumovic, M.M. 2016, “Thou Shalt Kill”: Practicing self-control supports adherence to personal values when asked to aggress.. Journal of Psychology and Social Psychology. 69: 71-78.

45. Kasumovic, M.M., Chen, Z., Wilkins, M. R. 2016. Australian black field crickets show changes in neural gene expression associated with socially-induced morphological, life-history, and behavioral plasticity. BMC Genomics 17:827

44. Girard, M. Elias, D.O.E., Kasumovic, M.M.. 2015. A demonstration of female preference and mating behavior in the peacock spider, Maratus volans. Proceedings B: Biological Sciences. 282:

43. Kasumovic, M.M. and Kuznekoff, J.H. 2015. Insights into sexism: Male status and performance moderates female-directed hostile and amicable behaviour. PLoS ONE. (pdf)

42. Kasumovic, M.M., Blake, K., Dixson, B., and Denson, T.F, 2015. Why do people play violent video games? Demographic, status-related and mating-related correlated in men and women. Personality and Individual Differences. 86: 204-211. (pdf)

41. Garcia, J.E., Girard, M., Kasumovic, M.M., Petersen, P., Wilksch,P.A. and Dyer, A.G. 2015. Differentiating colours with few and many sensors: Spectral reconstruction with RGB and hyperspectral cameras. PLoS ONE. 10: e0125817. (pdf)

40. Chiswell, R. Girard, M.B., Fricke, C. and Kasumovic, M.M. 2014. Prior mating success can affect allocation towards future sexual signalling. PeerJ 2:e657 (pdf)

39. Elias, D.O.E., Sivalinghem, S., Mason, A.C., Andrade, M.C.B. and Kasumovic, M.M. 2014. Mate guarding courtship behavior: Tactics in a changing world. Anim. Behav. 97: 25-33. (pdf)

38. Jordan, L.A., Kokko, H. and Kasumovic, M.M. 2014. Spider males choose mates by selecting among competitive environments. American Naturalist. 183:638-649. (pdf)

37. Lailvaux, S.P., Wilson, R. and Kasumovic, M.M. 2014.Trait compensation and sex-specific aging of performance in male and female basketball players. Evolution. 68: 1523-1532. (pdf)

36. Kasumovic, M.M. and L.A. Jordan. 2013. The social factors driving settlement and relocation decisions in a solitary and aggregative spider. American Naturalist. 182:532-541. (pdf)

35. Kasumovic, M.M. 2013. The multi-dimensional consequences of the juvenile social environment: towards an integrative view of the adult phenotype. Animal Behaviour. 85:1049-1059 (pdf)

34. Kasumovic, M.M. and Seebacher, F. 2013. The active metabolic rate predicts a male spider’s proximity to females and expected fitness. Biology Letters (pdf)

33. Kasumovic, M.M., M. D. Hall, H. Try, and R. Brooks. 2012. Developmental plasticity affects condition dependent trait expression. Behavioral Ecology. doi:10.1093/beheco/ars180. (pdf)

32. Stoltz, J. A., M. C. B. Andrade, and M. M. Kasumovic. 2012. Plasticity in metabolic rates reinforces morphological plasticity in response to social cues of sexual selection. Journal of Insect Physiology. 58: 985-990. (pdf)

31. Kasumovic, M.M., M. D. Hall, and R. Brooks. 2012. The juvenile social environment introduces variation in the preference and expression of sexually selected traits. Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.230. (pdf)

30. Girard, M. B., M. M. Kasumovic, and D. O. Elias. 2011. Male multi-modal courtship in the peacock spider, Maratus volans. (O.P.-Cambridge, 1874). PLoS ONE. 6(9): e25390. (pdf)

29. Elias, D. O., M. C. B. Andrade, and M. M. Kasumovic. 2011. Dynamic population structure and the evolution of mating systems, Pages 65-114 in J. Casas, ed., Advances in Insect Physiology. UK, Academic Press. (please email for a copy)

28. Kasumovic, M. M., and R. Brooks. 2011. It’s all who you know: The evolution of socially-cued anticipatory plasticity as a mating strategy. Quarterly Reviews in Biology. 84:181-197. (pdf)

27. Kasumovic, M. M., M. D. Hall, H. Try, and R. Brooks. 2011. The importance of listening: Developmental shifts in response to juvenile acoustic environment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1325-1334. (pdf)

26. De Souza, L. R., M. M. Kasumovic, K. A. Judge, and G. K. Morris. 2011. Male size by sound and vibration communication in a Columbian rainforest katydid, Gnathoclita sodalist (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae). Behaviour 148:341-357. (pdf)

25. Kasumovic, M. M., A. C. Mason, M. C. B. Andrade, and D. O. Elias. 2011. The relative importance of RHP and resource quality in contests with ownership asymmetries. Behavioral Ecology 22:39-45. (pdf)

24. Lailvaux, S. P., and M. M. Kasumovic. 2011. Defining individual quality over lifetimes and selective contexts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278:321-328. (pdf)

23. Kasumovic, M. M. 2011. Stressing out about singing. Behavioral Ecology 22:10. (pdf)

22. Brooks, R., I. M. Scott, A. A. Maklakov, M. M. Kasumovic, A. P. Clark, and I. S. Penton-Voak. 2011. National income inequality predicts women’s preferences for masculinized faces better than health does. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278:810-812. (pdf)

21. Elias, D. O., S. Sivalinghem, A. C. Mason, M. C. B. Andrade, and M. M. Kasumovic. 2010. Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Substrate-borne courtship signals are important for male mating success. Ethology 116:990-998. (pdf)

20. Elias, D. O., C. A. Botero, M. C. B. Andrade, A. C. Mason, and M. M. Kasumovic. 2010. High resource valuation fuels “desperado” fighting tactics in female jumping spiders. Behavioral Ecology 21:868-875. (pdf)

19. Sivalinghem, S., M. M. Kasumovic, A. C. Mason, M. C. B. Andrade, and D. O. Elias. 2010. Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Polyandry, male courtship signals, and mating success. Behavioral Ecology 21:1308-1314. (pdf)

18. Kasumovic, M. M., D. O. Elias, S. Sivalinghem, A. C. Mason, and M. C. B. Andrade. 2010. Examination of prior contest experience and the retention of winner and loser effects. Behavioral Ecology 21:404-409. (pdf)

17. Brooks, R., and M. M. Kasumovic. 2009. Evolution: Exposing the buried costs of reproduction. Current Biology 19:R1117-R1119. (pdf)

16. Kasumovic, M. M., R. C. Brooks, and M. C. B. Andrade. 2009. Body condition but not dietary restriction prolongs lifespan in a semelparous capital breeder. Biology Letters 5:636-638. (pdf)

15. Kasumovic, M. M., D. O. Elias, D. Punzalan, A. C. Mason, and M. C. B. Andrade. 2009. Experience affects the outcome of agonistic contests without affecting the selective advantage of size. Animal Behaviour 77:1533-1538. (pdf)

14. Kasumovic, M. M., M. J. Bruce, M. E. Herberstein, and M. C. B. Andrade. 2009. Evidence for developmental plasticity in response to demographic variation in nature. Ecology 90:2287-2296. (pdf)

13. Kasumovic, M. M., L. M. Ratcliffe, and P. T. Boag. 2009. Habitat fragmentation and paternity in least flycatchers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:306-313. (pdf)

12. Kasumovic, M. M., and M. C. B. Andrade. 2009. A change in competitive context reverses sexual selection on male size. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:324-333. (pdf)

11. Schneider, J. M., M. E. Herberstein, M. J. Bruce, M. M. Kasumovic, M. L. Thomas, and M. A. Elgar. 2008. Male copulation frequency, sperm competition and genital damage in the golden orb-web spider (Nephila plumipes). Australian Journal of Zoology 56:233-238. (pdf)

10. Kasumovic, M. M., M. J. Bruce, M. C. B. Andrade, and M. E. Herberstein. 2008. Spatial and temporal demographic variation drives within-season fluctuations in sexual selection. Evolution 62:2316-2325. (pdf)

9. Elias, D. O., M. M. Kasumovic, D. Punzalan, M. C. B. Andrade, and A. C. Mason. 2008. Assessment during aggressive contests between male jumping spiders. Animal Behaviour 76:901-910. (pdf)

8. Kasumovic, M. M., M. J. Bruce, M. E. Herberstein, and M. C. B. Andrade. 2007. Risky mate search and mate preference in the golden orb-web spider (Nephila plumipes). Behavioral Ecology 18:189-195. (pdf)

7. Kasumovic, M. M., and M. C. B. Andrade. 2006. Male development tracks rapidly shifting sexual versus natural selection pressures. Current Biology 16:R242-R243. (pdf) (supplement pdf)

6. Andrade, M. C. B., and M. M. Kasumovic. 2005. Terminal investment strategies and male mate choice: Extreme tests of Bateman. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45:838-847. (pdf)

5. Tarof, S. A., L. M. Ratcliffe, M. M. Kasumovic, and P. T. Boag. 2005. Are least flycatcher (Empidonax minimus) clusters hidden leks? Behavioral Ecology 16:207-217. (pdf)

4. Kasumovic, M. M., and M. C. B. Andrade. 2004. Discrimination of airborne pheromones by mate-searching male western black widow spiders (Latrodectus hesperus): Species- and population-specific responses. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82:1027-1034. (pdf)

3. Kasumovic, M. M., L. M. Ratcliffe, and P. T. Boag. 2003. Song structure may differ between male and female least flycatchers. Wilson Bulletin 115:241-245. (pdf)

2. Kasumovic, M. M., L. M. Ratcliffe, and P. T. Boag. 2003. A method to improve confidence in paternity assignment in an open mating system. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:2073-2076. (pdf)

1. Kasumovic, M. M., H. L. Gibbs, B. E. Woolfenden, S. G. Sealy, and H. Nakamura. 2002. Primary sex-ratio variation in two brood parasitic birds: Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) and Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Auk 119:561-566. (pdf)